Espresso Ecuador
Ecuador Espresso. Denne fantastiske espresso fra Ecuador kommer fra kaffe kooperativet PROCAP i det sydlige landsdel. Her byder vi på 100% Arabica med sorten Tipica
Ecuador har det rette klima til kaffe
Du får en blændende god espresso kaffe med toner over i den letsyrlige kategori. Tag dog ikke fejl af, at denne kaffe også er blød og mild, og Ecuador Espresso beviser atter en gang at de formår at skabe rigtig god kaffe. Dette har verden for alvor fået øjnene op for, idet Ecuadors eksport af kaffe er støt stigende.
Klimaet i Ecuador har naturligvis en stor betydning for landets kaffe succes. Du befinder dig et tilpas fugtigt klima med konstante temperaturer som svinger mellem 15 og 28 graders varme. Lige netop dette klima er specielt velegnet til kaffedyrkning. Desuden dyrkes kaffen i cirka 1500 meters højde over havets overflade.
Kaffen vaskes og tørres på stedet. Tørringen er ikke kunstig, idet Moder Sol tager sig af processen. En helt naturlig kaffe, som tilberedes på en helt naturlig måde. Det bliver næsten ikke en renere smagsoplevelse. Prøv Espresso Ecuador – du bliver ikke skuffet.
Ecuador is located along the South American pacific coast and lined with the Andes from
north to south. The country can be divided into three different geographic zones: the coast
region, the highland and the Amazon region. Ecuador, to which also the Galapagos Islands
belong, is one of the greatest biodiversity in the world.
In the highland, the Andes region, you can find the manifolds climatic zones: From the cold
of the snow topped mountains to tropic heats. In this biota also grows one of the best
highland-coffees in the world.
The exact producing area of the Ecuador SHB Loja BCS Organic is located in the Puyango
district of the province Loja in the south of the highland on the border to Peru. 90% of
Puyango region rest on an altitude between 800m and 2000 m above sea level. The climate is
subtropical and the vegetation is manifold.
The highland and the humid woods in Puyango feature optimal conditions for the cultivation
of Arabica coffee under shade trees and provide the conversation of the biodiversity.
The 680 small coffee farmers in Puyango have merged to an association with the name
PROCAFEQ “Asociacion Agroartesanal de Productores de Café Altura Puyango”. The farmed
area has a size of 2500 ha and the yearly production is about 1,000 bags of 60 kg a year.
PROCAFEQ supports the cultivation of the Arabica type “Typica”, that is optimally adapted to
the climatic conditions of the region, that demands only minimal fertilization and that is
producing an excellent coffee.
To maintain with organic criteria the farmers have developed an efficient compost production
enabling natural nutrient to be returned to the ecosystem.
The aim of the coffee farmers in Puyango is, to produce washed high-class Arabica in
homogenous quality without destroying the surroundning ecosystem and to build a solid
economic basis for their families in future.
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